
Java内部类(Inner Class)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1          <!--[endif]-->Static member class(静态成员类)



public class  Outer{
    //just like static method, static member class has public/private/default access privilege levels
    //access privilege level: public 
    public static class Inner1 {
        public Inner1() {
            //Static member inner class can access static method of outer class
            //Compile error: static member inner class can not access instance method of outer class
    //access privilege level: default 
    static class Inner2 {
    //access privilege level: private 
    private static class Inner3 {
        //define a nested inner class in another inner class 
        public static class Inner4 {    

    private static void staticMethod() {
        //cannot define an inner class in a method
        /*public static class Inner4() {
    private void instanceMethod() {
        //private static member class can be accessed only in its outer class definition scope
        Inner3 inner3 = new Inner3();
        //how to use nested inner class
        Inner3.Inner4 inner4 = new Inner3.Inner4();

class Test {
    Outer.Inner1 inner1 = new Outer.Inner1();
    //Test and Outer are in the same package, so Inner2 can be accessed here
    Outer.Inner2 inner2 = new Outer.Inner2(); 
    //Compile error: Inner3 cannot be accessed here
    //Outer.Inner3 inner3 = new Outer.Inner3(); 

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.1      <!--[endif]-->静态成员类特性

    * 静态成员类可访问外部类的任一静态字段或静态方法
    * 像静态方法或静态字段一样,静态成员类有public/private/default权限修饰符

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.2      <!--[endif]-->静态成员类约束

    * 静态成员类不能与外部类重名
    * 像外部类的静态方法一样,不能直接访问外部类的实例字段和实例方法
    * 静态成员类只能定义于外部类的顶层代码或外部类其它静态成员类的顶层代码中(嵌套定义);不能定义于外部类的某个函数中。

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.3      <!--[endif]-->新增语法

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.4      <!--[endif]-->什么时候使用静态成员类

public class LinkedList<E> extends AbstractSequentialList<E> 
   private static class Entry<E> {
    E element;
    Entry<E> next;
    Entry<E> previous;

    Entry(E element, Entry<E> next, Entry<E> previous) {
        this.element = element;
        this.next = next;
        this.previous = previous;


<!--[if !supportLists]-->2          <!--[endif]-->Member class(成员类)


public class Outer {
    //just like instance method, member class has public/private/default access privilege levels
    private int data;
    //access privilege level: public 
    public class Inner1 {
        private int data;
        private int data1;
        public Inner1() {
            //member class can access its outer class' instance field directly
            data1 = 1;
            //itself data field
            data = 1;
            //its outer class instance field
            Outer.this.data = 1;
    //access privilege level: default
    class Inner2 {
        //can not define static filed, method, class in member class
        //static int j = 1;
        //but, "static final" compound is allowed 
        static final int CONSTANT = 1;
    //access privilege level: private 
    private class Inner3 {
        public class Inner4 {
    //in fact, Inner5 is not a member class but a static member class
    interface Inner5 {
    private static void staticMethod() {
        //can not create a member class instance directly in outer class' static method
        //Inner1 inner1 = new Inner1();
    private void instanceMethod() {
        //can create a member class instance in outer class' instance method
        Inner1 inner1 = new Inner1();

class Test {
    public Test() {
        //cannot create member class instance directly in class other than outer class
        //Outer.Inner2 inner2 = new Outer.Inner2();
        //create a member class instance outside it's outer class
        Outer outer = new Outer();
        Outer.Inner1 inner1 = outer.new Inner1();


<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.1      <!--[endif]-->成员类特性

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·        <!--[endif]-->类似于外部类的实例函数,成员类有public/private/default权限修饰符

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·        <!--[endif]-->一个成员类实例必然所属一个外部类实例,成员类可访问外部类的任一个实例字段和实例函数。
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.2      <!--[endif]-->成员类约束

    * 成员类不能与外部类重名
    * 不能在成员类中定义static字段、方法和类(static final形式的常量定义除外)。因为一个成员类实例必然与一个外部类实例关联,这个static定义完全可以移到其外部类中去
    * 成员类不能是接口(interface)。因为成员类必须能被某个外部类实例实例化,而接口是不能实例化的。事实上,如示例代码所示,如果你以成员类的形式定义一个接口,该接口实际上是一个静态成员类,static关键字对inner interface是内含(implicit)的。

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.3      <!--[endif]-->新增语法

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.4      <!--[endif]-->指定内部类实例所属的外部类实例




OuterClass.InnerClass innerClass = outerClass.new InnerClass();

<!--[if !supportLists]-->
2.5      <!--[endif]-->什么时候使用成员类


       以JDK Collection类库为例,每种Collection类必须提供一个与其对应的Iterator实现以便客户端能以统一的方式遍历任一Collection实例。每种Collection类的Iterator实现就被定义为该Collection类的成员类。例如JDK中AbstractList类的代码片断:

public abstract class AbstractList<E> extends AbstractCollection<E> implements List<E> {
    private class Itr implements Iterator<E> {

     public Iterator<E> iterator() {
        return new Itr();


<!--[if !supportLists]-->3          <!--[endif]-->Local class(局部类)







<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.1      <!--[endif]-->局部类特性


<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.2      <!--[endif]-->局部类约束

    * 如示例代码所示,内部类只在定义它的代码段中可见,不能在它所属代码段之外的代码中使用;因此也就没有public/private/default权限修饰符(无意义)
    * 不能以局部类形式定义一个接口。局部类只在其所属代码段中可见,定义这样的接口无意义
    * 局部类类名不能与其外部类类名重复

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.3      <!--[endif]-->什么时候使用局部类


<!--[if !supportLists]-->4          <!--[endif]-->Anonymous class(匿名类)


public class Outer {
    public void instanceMethod() {
        //define a nonymous class which implements Action interface and creat an instance of it
        Action action = new Action() {
            public void doAction() {
                System.out.println("a simple anonymous class demo");
        //define a nonoymous class which extends BaseClass and create an instance of it
        new BaseClass(5) {
            public void printData(){
                System.out.println("data = " + getData());
        }.printData(); //"data = 5" will be outputed

interface Action {
    void doAction();

class BaseClass {
    private int data;
    public BaseClass (int data) {
        this.data = data;
    public int getData() {
        return data;

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.1      <!--[endif]-->匿名类特性与约束

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.2      <!--[endif]-->新增语法
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.2.1      <!--[endif]-->继承自某个基类的匿名类

new class-name ( [ argument-list ] ) { class-body }

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.2.2      <!--[endif]-->实现某个接口的匿名类

new interface-name () { class-body }

<!--[if !supportLists]-->
4.3      <!--[endif]-->什么时候使用匿名类

    * 该类定义代码段很短
    * 只需要创建该类的一个实例
    * 类的定义代码与类的使用代码紧邻
    * 使用匿名不影响代码的易读性


File f = new File("/src");      // The directory to list

// Now call the list() method with a single FilenameFilter argument
// Define and instantiate an anonymous implementation of FilenameFilter
// as part of the method invocation expression.
String[] filelist = f.list(new FilenameFilter() {
  public boolean accept(File f, String s) { return s.endsWith(".java"); }
}); // Don't forget the parenthesis and semicolon that end the method call!

public class Outer {
    private int instanceField; 
    private static int staticField; 
    //define a local member class in instance code block
        int localVirable1 = 0;
        final int localVirable2 = 1;
        class Inner1 {
            public Inner1() {
                //can access its outer class' field and method directly
                instanceField = 1;
                //use OuterClass.this to get its corresponding outer class instance
                Outer.this.instanceField = 1;
                //can not access the not final local virable in its containing code block
                //can access the final local virable in its containing code block
        //local class can not have privilege modifier 
        /*public class inner2 {            
    // define a local static member class in static code block
    static {
        class Inner2 {
            public Inner2() {
                staticField = 1;
                //can not access instance field and method in a local static member class 
                //intanceField = 2;
    public void intanceMethod() {
        //define a local class in its out class' instance method
        class Inner3 {
        //local class is visible only in its containning code block
        //Outer.Inner2 inner2;
    private static void staticMethod() {
        //define a local static member class in its out class' static method
        class Inner4 {    
            public Inner4() {
                staticField = 2;
        //can not define a interface as a local class
        /*interface I {


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